Investment Objectives
Investment Criteria

Investment Objectives

The primary objective of the present Venture Capital Funds is to make available long-term capital requirement (equity and equity related instruments) to unlisted SMEs/ Startups etc. in the Semiconductor, ESDM, Biotechnology, Animation, Visual Effects, Gaming, Comics and other allied sectors which can bring commercial value to stakeholders and to will have widespread positive impact on the economy. The funds can be utilized to :

  • Develop competitive and cutting-edge technology/ products
  • Manufacture and commercialize the product development
  • Move up in the value chain
  • Expand & upgrade existing capabilities to cater to a wider clientele
  • Growth and expansion of an established company including product diversification and forward / backward integration

Investment Criteria

The Fund is fully committed for investment in SMEs & Startup units predominantly in the State of Karnataka

The Fund does not undertake investment in idea /seed stage. Companies which are earning revenue from core their activities are only entertained (product / high-end services / solutions etc.). The Fund supports companies for enhancing their existing offering to customers and also expand / diversify using core competency which will enhance shareholder value.

The parameters that would determine an investment decision include :-


A strong and dynamic management team with established track record / credentials alongwith other traits like integrity, commercial acumen & commitment. A core group of experienced entrepreneurs with the conviction that they can achieve ambitious but realistic goals.


Attractiveness of the market, which the investee company, seeks to serve. The market will have to be quantifiably large with excellent opportunities for growth. The preferred business opportunities include Internet Services, High-end Software Services, Innovative products and novel ideas that create real value for customers.

Future Potential

The investee company should have the deep understanding of specific markets & customers needs. This will have potential for substantial future earnings power and increased market share.


The investee company should have demonstrated or posses the ability to develop significant competitive advantages.
Applications for Venture Capital assistance are invited from companies in the field of AVGC, AI, ML, Medtech, EV and such other Disruptive Technologies Venture Capital Fund